Fiţi bine veniţi în utopia lumii mele, dragi călători! Sper să plecaţi cu mai multe binecuvântări decât primiţi acum şi să reveniţi cu drag. 

marți, 13 septembrie 2011

Astăzi Dumnezeu vrea ca tu să şti

On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...
...that on this day will you have an opportunity to attend
your own inauguration.

You are invited by life to elect yourself a Spiritual
Leader, and to take office today. What does a
spiritual leader say? A spiritual leader does not say,
"Follow me." A spiritual leader says, "I'll go first."

Decide today to take the oath: I promise to "go first"
in demonstrating forgiveness, compassion, understanding,
generosity, kindness, cheerfulness, positivity, and love.

Love, Your Friend.... 


Hours of Achives Waiting for you Right Now.!
Click Here 

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